Церковь Иисуса Христа святых последних дней

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Президент общества молодых мужчин.

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Вот появилось у меня еще одно призвание.
В приходе буду теперь отвечать за эту работу.
Для себя давно хотел разобраться в Священстве Аароновом.
Как, что и почему.
Значение, возможности этого призвания, помощь небес.

Если есть коллеги, ау, отзовитесь!

Также предлагаю здесь поделиться всем тем, что может помочь узнать больше о Священстве Аароновом.


Немного из истории...

Священство Аароново, как мы знаем, называется по имени брата Моисея, Аарона, потомки которого стали священниками по крови, сам Аарон, как и его брат были мз колена Левия. Это колено Господь вместо первенцев взял себе в удел. Числа 3:40 - 45 И сказал Господь Моисею:...возьми левитов для Меня, - Я Господь, - вместо всех первенцев из сынов Израиля...  пусть левиты будут Мои. " Все потомки Левия стали носителями Священства, но ниже по чину чем левиты, сыны Аарона. Сравнивая с нашем временем - левиты были условно дъяконами/учителями, а сыны Аарона - священниками.

Самым, если можно сказать, выдающимся носителем Священтсва Ааронова был Ионанн Креститель (Лука 1:5 Его отец "был священник из Авиевой чреды, именем Захария, и жена его из рода Ааронова, имя ей Елисавета"). В Матфее 11:11 : "Истинно говорю вам: из рожденных женами не восставал больший Иоанна Крестителя; но меньший в Царстве Небесном больше его".  Есть предположение что "меньший в Царстве Небесном" имелось в виду - носитель Священства Мелхиседокова.

Любопытно, что сейчас потомки Левия, которые получают патриархальное благословение, в большинстве случаев, не нуждаются в посвящении в Священтсво Аароново, так они обладают им с рождения. p[-0l,.90/ Также и призвание Председательствующего Епископа займет кровный потомок Аарона, когда о нем станет известно (его объяевит Президент Церкви). (У. и З. 68: 16-17)

Отредактировано VIC (07-06-2007 21:20:58)


Когда служила в ОМЖ, приходилось тесно сотрудничать и с молодыми мужчинами, да и сейчас на молодешь эту с интересом поглядываю. Я сделала для себя вывод, что главное - быть им хорошим другои и хорошим примером. И быть очень активным - их лекциями не проймешь. Нужно с ними мероприятия проводить, водить их в походы, учить их руками что-то делат, и пр. В-общем, всегда быть с ними рядом и быть живым свидетельством об Иисусе Христе.
Насколько я знаю, одна из целей ОММ - подготовиться к служении на миссии полного дня, и потом к созданию семьи. Вот и помогай им в этом. И обзаведись хорошими советниками.


Сегодня Саша, один из носителей Священства Ааронова, проводил урок у нас на кворуме.
Урок был посвящен подготовке к миссии.
Кроме меня в классе еще были 4 челвоека, 2 миссионера и 2 брата.
Сам урок был построен в виед вопросво и ответов связанных с миссией.
Очень порадовал Саша.
Неплохо вел урок, делал выводы и предположения, размышлял.
И мы сами с большим удовольствием говорили и отвечали на вопросы.
Каждый мог что-то отметить для себя , научить и научиться.

К чему это я все.
До этого я никогда не занимался священством Аароновым, не был у них на кворуме, не очень представлял что они там делают.
Могу сказать , что мне нравиться то, что я вижу.

Ребята становяться ближе, понятнее.
Приятно видеть потенциал в них и их возможности.
Видно, как они строятся сейчас, строят свои взаимоотношения с Богом, с миром, как формируется их характер, появляются новые качества.


Был я пару лет Президентом товариства молодих чоловіків... Чудовий час був... але складний....


Думаю, что неплохо бы их и общество молодых женщин вывезти за город.
Благо пригородов у нас красивейших полно.
Погулять, поиграть, духовная мысль.
Должно быть здорово.

А мысль хочу следующую: подготовка к миссии.
Вот как-то внутри меня все двигает именно в этом направлении.


Быть Президентом ОММ - весьма ответственное призвание. Нужно любить всех молодых мужчин, наставлять их, посещать всех их на дому, узнавать их интересы, помогать их родителям в воспитании, помогать молодым мужчинам в получении большей свободы от родителей, обязательно брать их в походы, познакомить и подружить их друг с другом, пусть собираются на дому друг с другом. И обязательно выполнять программу "Выполнить наш долг перед Богом" - достойные молодые мужчины получат медаль из чистой бронзы с Ангелом Моронием на лицевой стороне.


Ага! В нашем приходе они как дружили в ОММ, так все потом и на миссию друг за дружкой поехали.
Все-таки, как ни крути, а дружеское общение тоже играет роль. Оставаться верным в одиночестве - удел не многих, к сожалению.


Soleilko написал(а):

Все-таки, как ни крути, а дружеское общение тоже играет роль. Оставаться верным в одиночестве - удел не многих, к сожалению.
0( Хорошо | Плохо )

Дружба - это сильная поддержка.

Но в Евангелии не первая.
Личное свидетельство.

Вот об этом я тоже думаю и ставлю перед собой такую задачу.


В пяиницу я был в одной семье с домашним навещением.
Пригласил миссионеров помочь и быть напарниками.
Семья сейчас состоит из двух людей.
Мама и сын 12 лет.
Он раньше приходил в приход, но вот уже несколько лет такого желания  у него нем было.
Причем, вообще, разговоры о религии не вызывали никакого интереса.

Мы с ним еще раз познакомились, вспомнили прошлое, поговорили о разном.
О Евангелии, о приходе, о компьютерах, о спорте.
Я пригласил его в приход.
Надежда на его появление была, потому что сама встреча прошла хорошо, с интересом и уважением.
Вчера мне позвонила мама и с радостью сказала , что он был в приходе, что ему было интересно и что  у него появилось желание продолжать  общение.
Есть у меня вера в то, что мы сможем его подготовить к крещению.


Вчера мне позвонила мама и с радостью сказала , что он был в приходе

Хм.. А где же в этом время был президент ОММ? :)


Soleilko написал(а):

Хм.. А где же в этом время был президент ОММ

А у президента ОММ есть еще призвание.


Mila написал(а):

Интересный вопрос.

Vladimir написал:
Позавчера я был в одной семье с домашним навещением.В воскресение?

Vladimir написал:
Вчера мне позвонила мама и с радостью сказала , что он был в приходе,В понедельник?
0( Хорошо | Плохо )

Я был у них в пятницу.


Обычно эти призвания не совмещаются. У нас если у тебя окружное призвание или в миссии, то ты должен заниматься этими призваниями - автоматически отзываются от других.
С молодежью нужно все время быть.. Имею опыт.  Это одно из самых трудных призваний, потому что нужно много изобретать, думать и еще быть им хорошими друзьями (и самым лучшим примером!) Но, наверное, изо всех призваний, которые у меня были, это мое самое любимое (в ОМЖ прихода), потому что такой мощный толчок дало развитию и пониманию многих вещей... Надеюсь, что еще когда-нибудь Господь призовет.


Mila написал(а):

Мне кажется замечательным, когда работа общества идет не только благодаря деятельности президенства ОММ, а ребята сами вместе что-то придумывают, делают, организуют, проявляют инициативу, а президенство лишь помогает им в этом.

Это был бы рай!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 98ш-=бюь


Сейчас у нас продолжается подготовка к лагерю ММ.
Планируется 5 дней на природе, рядом  с озером.
Программа будет насыщенная.
Изучение СП, правила выживания, спорт, навыки лидерства, общение.
Обучение готовить еду, дичциплина в лагере.

Пытаемся сделать так, чтобы было интерсено.

А как в других миссиях, есть ли что-то подобное?


Я был на одном лагере ОММ, не помню чтобы последнее время проводили их у нас. Он был на 2 дня - маловато... но успел один раз кунуться в пруд, поучить завязывать узлы, правда сейчас сам не помню как их завязывать, за исключением эшафот-узла 56ьт57ма , вечер у костра,  чуток побегали-прыгали, и конечно же основное занятие - сборка и разборка лагеря  :D

Отредактировано VIC (29-06-2007 22:43:13)


То есть, есть что вспомнить. qsdsdsd
В С-Пб миссии - это уже традиционные поездки, в течение последних лет 4-5 они проводятся ежегодно.


Сегодня в классе ММ порадовал меня один молодой парень.
Ему в сентябре будет 18 и он покинет это общество.
Так вот он во время урока давал очень неплохие замечания по теме урока, а в конце молился.
И порадовал меня тем, что во время молитвы благодарил за служение Ангелов.
Я в первый раз таокое слышал из уст Священства Ааронова.
Вот молодец-то!!!!!!!!!


Интересный вопрос еще, что такое служение ангелов. По-моему, по-настоящему никто не знает (их тех, кого спрашивала.)
Слышу только общие слова и отговорки. Но недавно меня это заинтриговало, жаль только, спросить не у кого. (:


Надо поискать в работах отцов-основателей.
Что они рекут об этом.


Слышал, что-то типа: носители Священства Ааронова, в наличии реальной (наверное, по нашим меркам, сверхестественное) необходимости могут призвать властью Священтсва Ааронова ангелов себе на помощь.

Отредактировано VIC (02-07-2007 17:42:02)


Что-то таео было в учениях президентов Церкви.
То лт МакКей, то ли Бригам Янг.
Надо искать.


Vladimir написал(а):

Надо искать.

"Пилите, Шура, пилите..."


VIC написал(а):

"Пилите, Шура, пилите..."

Ну, мне бы хотелось, чтобы все поискали и внесли что-то найденное.
Если, конечно, тема интересна .


Vladimir написал(а):

Ну, мне бы хотелось, чтобы все поискали и внесли что-то найденное.

эх, где наша не пропадала, экзамен сдам и я приступаю к археологии qws3de4


VIC написал(а):

эх, где наша не пропадала, экзамен сдам и я приступаю к археологии

Ага, Витя, попался!
С тебя изыскания по теме священства Ааронова и служения ангелов! ропаенк564и


Vladimir написал(а):

Ага, Витя, попался!
С тебя...

:rolleyes: вякнешь, потом не расплатишься- шутка, порыщу в меру возможностей.


Aaronic Priesthood: Powers and Offices.

by Verdon W. Ballantyne

The two divisions of priesthood in THE CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints are the Aaronic and the Melchizedek. Young men twelve to eighteen years of age, and older men who are new converts, are ordained to offices in the Aaronic Priesthood, "which holds the keys [governing or delegating authority] of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins" (D&C 13). It is the priesthood authority by which John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ, teaching faith, repentance, and baptism for the remission of sins (Matt. 3:1-17; Mark 1:1-11; Luke 1:5-80; John 1:15-34; Acts 8:14-17; D&C 84:25-28). The Aaronic Priesthood does not have the power to confer the Holy Ghost (Matt. 3:11; Mark 1:7-8; John 1:33-34; JS-H 1:70) or to administer totally the affairs of the kingdom of God. It is power and authority God has given to man to prepare him and those to whom he ministers to receive the greater power, authority, and blessings of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Distinctive LDS insights into the origins of the Aaronic Priesthood stem from modern revelations indicating that when Moses led Israel out of Egypt, the Lord purposed to confer upon worthy men of all tribes the higher Melchizedek Priesthood. Disobedience and loss of faith and worthiness, however, caused the Israelites to harden their hearts against the Lord and Moses. Therefore, the Lord eventually took Moses out of their midst, and the Holy Priesthood also; and the lesser priesthood continued, which priesthood holdeth the key of the ministering of angels and the preparatory gospel; which gospel is the gospel of repentance and of baptism, and the remission of sins, and the law of carnal commandments, which the Lord in his wrath caused to continue with the house of Aaron among the children of Israel until John [the Baptist], whom God raised up [D&C 84:25-27].

The Israelites, unwilling to abide by the higher law of the fulness of the gospel with its greater priesthood, were given the law of carnal commandments, as a portion of the Law of Moses, with its emphasis on offering symbolic, redemptive sacrifices to prepare them to receive the divine Redeemer, and they were given the lesser priesthood to administer that law. The Lord called aaron and his sons to be the priests and preside over this lesser priesthood (Num. 8). Only direct descendants of Aaron could be ordained priests. The firstborn among the sons of Aaron would preside over the other priests. To assist Aaron and his posterity, particularly with the tabernacle and the preparing and offering of sacrifices, the Lord also called other male members of the tribe of Levi (not of the family of Aaron) to receive and carry out assignments in the lesser priesthood (Num. 3:5-13). The Levites held lesser offices of the Aaronic Priesthood and functioned under the keys or directive authority of that priesthood conferred upon Aaron and his sons (Widtsoe, pp. 12-17). Hence, the lesser priesthood was called the Aaronic Priesthood, after Aaron, but a portion of that priesthood was also called the levitical priesthood because all those to whom it was given belonged to the tribe of Levi. This type of priesthood organization and service continued in Israel until Jesus Christ came.

John the Baptist, a descendant of Aaron through both parents and thus a Levite, was the son of Zacharias, a righteous priest in Israel at the time of the birth of Christ. It was this John whom God chose to prepare the way for Christ's ministry on earth. From John's birth his mission was set and his priesthood functions anticipated (D&C 84:28; Luke 1:5-17).

After being baptized by John, Jesus called his apostles (some of them from among John's disciples) and ordained them (John 15:16); later he conferred upon Peter, James, and John the keys of the kingdom of God and a higher priesthood (see Mount of Transfiguration). Following his death, resurrection, and ascension, Christ continued to direct his Church by giving commandments to the apostles through the power of the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:2) and through the authority of the higher Melchizedek Priesthood that he had conferred upon them. After the death of the apostles there followed a general apostasy, during which many gospel principles were lost and all the powers of the priesthood were withdrawn from the earth (2 Thes. 2:1-4; 2 Tim. 3:1-5).

On May 15, 1829, John the Baptist appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery as a resurrected messenger from God and conferred the ancient "Priesthood of Aaron" upon them (D&C 13). As the organization of the Church proceeded through the following months and years, many male members received the Aaronic Priesthood and were organized into quorums of priests, teachers, and deacons. In the Restoration, the Aaronic Priesthood has not been restricted to those who are literal descendants of Aaron or of Levi, since those lineages are not at present identified and the priesthood authority that implemented the ordinances of the Law of Moses has been replaced by the higher priesthood and laws and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Beginning with the reorganization of the priesthood in 1877, the Church established the current practice of ordaining boys to the Aaronic Priesthood during their early teenage years, organizing them at the ward level into priesthood quorums by age group and priesthood office, and advancing them periodically to higher offices and eventually to the higher priesthood. The bishop of each ward presides over the Aaronic Priesthood in the ward.

Over the Aaronic Priesthood, the "president is to be a bishop; for this is one of the duties of this priesthood" (D&C 107:88), but bishops are also ordained high priests of the Melchizedek Priesthood because they preside and are not literal descendants of Aaron. The other three offices of the Aaronic Priesthood are deacon, teacher, and priest. Under the direction of the bishop, someone with proper authority confers the Aaronic Priesthood upon a worthy young man when he is twelve years old, ordaining him to the office of deacon. If he remains faithful and worthy, he is ordained to the office of teacher when he is fourteen years old and is given additional responsibilities. If he continues to remain faithful and worthy, he is ordained to the office of priest in the Aaronic Priesthood when he is sixteen years old, again receiving increased responsibilities. As young men progress in the priesthood, they retain all the rights and duties of lower offices.

The Lord has instructed the Church that bearers of the priesthood be organized into quorums (D&C 107:85-88). Some reasons for this are to establish order, to facilitate effective instruction in gospel principles and priesthood duties, and to prepare them for greater service and leadership in the Church. In the Aaronic Priesthood, a president and two counselors, chosen from the quorum members, preside over each quorum of deacons and teachers. This presidency is set apart (given powers of presidency) to preside over, sit in council with, and teach the members of the quorum their duty. The bishop is president of the priests quorum. He selects one or more boys as leaders under his presiding leadership and trains them to direct the other members of the quorum. Though the bishop and his two counselors in the bishopric hold all of the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood for the ward, the bishop usually calls an adult adviser to help train the boy leaders and to help instruct quorum members. However, the adviser has no presiding authority.

Thus the Aaronic Priesthood continues in its role as a preparatory priesthood, training young men in gospel principles and priesthood powers as they mature in service related to the preparatory gospel: faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism for the remission of sins, and love of God and fellow beings. These responsibilities are most evident as the young men prepare, bless, and pass the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper each Sabbath day in the Sacrament meetings of the Church and as they otherwise assist the bishop in serving the people of the ward.

Today the Aaronic Priesthood gives young men experience and prepares them to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood when they are eighteen years old, with the greater privileges and responsibilities of its oath and covenant (D&C 84:33-40). The Melchizedek Priesthood increases their capacity to serve, perform the saving ordinances of the gospel, and direct the Church when called to do so.

A major activity program for Aaronic Priesthood boys in many areas of the world is scouting. To effectively correlate priesthood and scouting activities, the bishop organizes the young men program in the ward. An adult man is called to serve as president of the Young Men under the bishop's direction. Where scouting is organized, he and his two counselors generally also serve as the scout leaders. In wards with many boys, additional adults may be called to assist in the scouting program.

The bishop also organizes the girls of the ward into a young women program, with adult women advisers, and in age groups that correspond with ages of boys in Aaronic Priesthood quorums. Joint activities are planned and carried out regularly with the young men of the Aaronic Priesthood.

[For a more detailed history of the Aaronic Priesthood, see also Bishop, History of.]


Hartley, William. "The Priesthood Reorganization of 1877: Brigham Young's Last Achievement." BYU Studies 20 (Fall 1979):3-36.

McConkie, Oscar W. Aaronic Priesthood. Salt Lake City, 1977.

Palmer, Lee A. Aaronic Priesthood Through the Centuries. Salt Lake City, 1964.

Widtsoe, John A. Priesthood and Church Government, revised ed. Salt Lake City, 1954.

Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 1, Aaronic Priesthood, Powers and Offices


The Aaronic Priesthood
Priesthood Session
October 3, 1981

The Aaronic Priesthood

Elder Boyd K. Packer
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Boyd K. Packer, “The Aaronic Priesthood,” Ensign, Nov. 1981, 30
I always come to the Tabernacle early for priesthood meeting in order to shake hands with the deacons, teachers, and priests. I have to sift through a lot of elders, seventies, and high priests to find them, but it’s well worth it to meet the Aaronic Priesthood. We who hold the higher priesthood salute you, our brethren of the Aaronic Priesthood.

I want to tell you about the unseen power of the Aaronic Priesthood. A boy of twelve is old enough to learn about it. As you mature you should become very familiar with this guiding, protecting power.

Some think that unless a power is visible it cannot be real. I think I can convince you otherwise. Do you remember when you foolishly put your finger in that light socket? While you did not see exactly what happened, surely you felt it!

No one has ever seen electricity, not even a scientist with the finest instruments. However, like you they have felt it. And we can see the results of it. We can measure it, control it, and produce light, and heat, and power. No one questions that it is real simply because he cannot see it.

Although you cannot see the power of the priesthood, you can feel it, and you can see the results of it. The priesthood can be a guiding and protecting power in your life. Let me give you an example.

After President Wilford Woodruff joined the Church he desired to serve a mission.

“I was but a Teacher,” he wrote, “and it is not a Teacher’s office to go abroad and preach. I dared not tell any of the authorities of the Church that I wanted to preach, lest they might think I was seeking for an office.” (Leaves from My Journal, Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882, p. 8.)

He prayed to the Lord, and without disclosing his desire to any others, he was ordained a priest and sent on a mission. They went to the Arkansas Territory.

He and his companion struggled through a hundred miles of alligator-infested swamps, wet, muddy, and tired. Brother Woodruff developed a sharp pain in his knee and could go no further. His companion left him sitting on a log and went home. Brother Woodruff knelt down in the mud and prayed for help. He was healed and continued his mission alone.

Three days later he arrived in Memphis, Tennessee, weary, hungry, and very muddy. He went to the largest inn and asked for something to eat and for a place to sleep, although he had no money to pay for either.

When the innkeeper found he was a preacher, he laughed and decided to have some fun with him. He offered Brother Woodruff a meal if he would preach to his friends.

A large audience of the rich and fashionable people of Memphis gathered and were quite amused by this mud-stained missionary.

None would sing or pray, so Brother Woodruff did both. He knelt before them and begged the Lord to give him His Spirit and to show him the hearts of the people. And the Spirit came! Brother Woodruff preached with great power. He was able to reveal the secret deeds of those who came to ridicule him.

When he was finished, no one laughed at this humble holder of the Aaronic Priesthood. Thereafter he was treated with kindness. (See Leaves from My Journal, pp. 16–18.)

He was under the guiding, protecting power of his Aaronic Priesthood. The same power can be with you as well.

Let me teach you some very basic things about the Aaronic Priesthood.

It “is called the Priesthood of Aaron, because it was conferred upon Aaron and his seed, throughout all their generations.” (D&C 107:13.)

The Aaronic Priesthood goes by other names as well. Let me list them and tell you what they mean.

The Lesser Priesthood
First, the Aaronic Priesthood is sometimes called the lesser priesthood.

“Why it is called the lesser priesthood is because it is an appendage to the greater, or the Melchizedek Priesthood, and has power in administering outward ordinances.” (D&C 107:14.)

This means that the higher priesthood, the Melchizedek Priesthood, always presides over the Aaronic, or the lesser, Priesthood. Aaron was the high priest, or the presiding priest, of the Aaronic Priesthood. But Moses presided over Aaron because Moses held the Melchizedek Priesthood.

The fact that it is called the lesser priesthood does not diminish at all the importance of the Aaronic Priesthood. The Lord said it is necessary to the Melchizedek Priesthood. (See D&C 84:29.) Any holder of the higher priesthood should feel greatly honored to perform the ordinances of the Aaronic Priesthood, for they have great spiritual importance.

I have, as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, passed the sacrament. I assure you I have felt honored and humbled beyond expression to do what some might consider a routine task.

The Levitical Priesthood
The Aaronic Priesthood is also called the Levitical Priesthood. The word Levitical comes from the name Levi, one of the twelve sons of Israel. Moses and Aaron, who were brothers, were Levites.

When the Aaronic Priesthood was given to Israel, Aaron and his sons received the presiding and administrative responsibility. The male members of all other Levite families were put in charge of the ceremonies of the tabernacle, including the Mosaic law of sacrifice.

The law of sacrifice had been observed since the days of Adam. It was symbolic of the redemption that would come with the sacrifice and the atonement of the Messiah. The Mosaic law of sacrifice was fulfilled with the crucifixion of Christ.

Anciently they looked forward to the atonement of Christ through the ceremony of the sacrifice. We look back to that same event through the ordinance of the sacrament.

Both sacrifice before, and the sacrament afterward, are centered in Christ, the shedding of His blood, and the atonement He made for our sins. Both then and now the authority to perform these ordinances belongs to the Aaronic Priesthood.

This is indeed a sacred responsibility and includes you in a brotherhood with those ancient servants of the Lord. It is no wonder that we feel so humble when we participate in the ordinances assigned to the Aaronic Priesthood.

Can you see that it is correct to call it the Aaronic or the Levitical Priesthood? It is a matter of designating duties; it is all one priesthood.

The Preparatory Priesthood
Finally, the Aaronic Priesthood is referred to as the preparatory priesthood. This, too, is a proper title because the Aaronic Priesthood prepares young men to hold the higher priesthood, for missions, and for temple marriage.

I have thought it very symbolic that John the Baptist, a priest in the Aaronic Priesthood, prepared the way for the coming of the Lord in ancient times. He came also to restore the Aaronic Priesthood to the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to prepare for the coming of the higher priesthood. The Lord Himself said that there “hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist.” (Matt. 11:11.)

You would do well to watch your fathers and your leaders, to study how the Melchizedek Priesthood works. You are preparing to join the elders, seventies, high priests, and patriarchs and to serve as missionaries, quorum leaders, bishoprics, stake leaders, and as fathers of families.

A few of you who now sit there as deacons, teachers, and priests will one day sit here as Apostles and prophets and will preside over the Church. You must be prepared.

It is indeed correct to call the Aaronic Priesthood the preparatory priesthood.

Priesthood Principles
Let me teach you some important principles of the priesthood. When you receive the Aaronic Priesthood, you receive all of it. There are three kinds of authority relating to your priesthood. You should understand them.

First, there is the priesthood itself. The ordination you received carries with it the overall authority to perform the ordinances and to possess the power of the Aaronic Priesthood.

Next, there are offices within the priesthood. Each has different privileges. Three of them—deacon, teacher, and priest—may be conferred upon you when you are in your teenage years. The fourth office, that of bishop, may come to you when you are mature and worthy to become a high priest as well.

The deacon is to watch over the church as a standing minister. (See D&C 84:111; D&C 20:57–59.) The quorum consists of twelve deacons. (See D&C 107:85.)

The teacher is to “watch over the church always, and be with and strengthen them.” (D&C 20:53.) The teachers quorum numbers twenty-four. (See D&C 107:86.)

The priest is to “preach, teach, expound, exhort, and baptize, and administer the sacrament, and visit the house of each member.” (D&C 20:46–47.) The priests quorum numbers forty-eight. The bishop is the president of the priests quorum. (See D&C 107:87–88.)

You always hold one of these offices. When you receive the next higher office, you still retain the authority of the first. For instance, when you become a priest, you still have authority to do all that you did as a deacon and teacher. Even when you receive the higher priesthood, you keep all of the authority of, and, with proper authorization, can act in the offices of, the lesser priesthood.

Elder LeGrand Richards, who was Presiding Bishop for fourteen years, has often said, “I’m just a grown-up deacon.”

There is no rigid form of wording for your ordination. It includes the conferring of the priesthood, the giving of an office, and also a special blessing.

I once attended a meeting with President Joseph Fielding Smith. Someone asked President Smith about a letter that was then being circulated by an apostate who claimed that the Church had lost the priesthood because certain words had not been used when it was conferred. President Smith said, “Before we talk about his claim, let me tell you a little about the man himself.” He then described the character of the man and concluded, “And so you see, that man is a liar pure and simple—well, maybe not so pure.”

The offices are a part of the priesthood, but the priesthood is greater than any of the offices within it.

The priesthood is yours forever unless you disqualify yourself through transgression.

When we are active and faithful, we begin to understand the power of the priesthood.

There is one other kind of authority that comes to you if you are set apart as a quorum president. You then are given the keys of authority for that presidency.

You receive the priesthood, and the office you hold within the priesthood (deacon, teacher, and priest), by ordination. You receive the keys of presidency by setting apart.

When you become a deacon, your father may, and generally should, ordain you; or another who holds the proper priesthood could do it.

If you are called as president of your quorum, your bishopric would set you apart. You can receive the keys of presidency only from those who have received them.

Unless your father is in the bishopric, he would not have those keys.

These keys of presidency are temporary. The priesthood, and the offices within it, are permanent.

One more thing: You can receive the priesthood only from one who has the authority and “it is known to the church that he has authority.” (D&C 42:11.)

The priesthood cannot be conferred like a diploma. It cannot be handed to you as a certificate. It cannot be delivered to you as a message or sent to you in a letter. It comes only by proper ordination. An authorized holder of the priesthood has to be there. He must place his hands upon your head and ordain you.

That is one reason why the General Authorities travel so much—to convey the keys of priesthood authority. Every stake president everywhere in the world has received his authority under the hands of one of the presiding brethren of the Church. There has never been one exception.

Remember these things. The priesthood is very, very precious to the Lord. He is very careful about how it is conferred, and by whom. It is never done in secret.

I have told you how the authority is given to you. The power you receive will depend on what you do with this sacred, unseen gift.

Your authority comes through your ordination; your power comes through obedience and worthiness.

Let me tell you how one of our sons learned obedience. When he was about deacon-age, we went to his grandfather’s ranch in Wyoming. He wanted to start breaking a horse he had been given. It had been running wild in the hills.

It took nearly all day to get the herd to the corral and to tie his horse up with a heavy halter and a rope.

I told him that his horse must stay tied there until it settled down; he could talk to it, carefully touch it, but he must not, under any circumstance, untie it.

We finally went in for our supper. He quickly ate and rushed back out to see his horse. Presently I heard him cry out. I knew what had happened. He had untied his horse. He was going to train it to lead. As the horse pulled away from him he instinctively did something I had told him never, never to do. He looped the rope around his wrist to get a better grip.

As I ran from the house, I saw the horse go by. Our boy could not release the rope; he was being pulled with great leaping steps. And then he went down! If the horse had turned to the right, he would have been dragged out the gate and into the hills and would certainly have lost his life. It turned to the left, and for a moment was hung up in a fence corner—just long enough for me to loop the rope around a post and to free my son.

Then came a father-to-son chat! “Son, if you are ever going to control that horse, you will have to use something besides your muscles. The horse is bigger than you are, it is stronger than you are, and it always will be. Someday you may ride your horse if you train it to be obedient, a lesson that you must learn yourself first.” He had learned a very valuable lesson.

Two summers later we went again to the ranch to look for his horse. It had been running all winter with the wild herd. We found them in a meadow down by the river. I watched from a hillside as he and his sister moved carefully to the edge of the meadow. The horses moved nervously away. Then he whistled. His horse hesitated, then left the herd and trotted up to them.

He had learned that there is great power in things that are not seen, such unseen things as obedience.

Just as obedience to principle gave him power to train his horse, obedience to the priesthood has taught him to control himself.

Throughout your life you will belong to a quorum of the priesthood; your brethren will be a strength and a support to you.

More than that—you will have the privilege of being a support to them.

Much of what I have told you about the Aaronic Priesthood applies to the Melchizedek Priesthood as well. The names of the offices change, more authority is given, but the principles remain the same.

Power in the priesthood comes from doing your duty in ordinary things: attending meetings, accepting assignments, reading the scriptures, keeping the Word of Wisdom.

President Woodruff said: “I traveled thousands of miles and preached the Gospel as a Priest, and, as I have said to congregations before, the Lord sustained me and made manifest His power in the defense of my life as much while I held that office as He has done while I have held the office of an Apostle. The Lord sustains any man that holds a portion of the Priesthood, whether he is a Priest, an Elder, a Seventy, or an Apostle, if he magnifies his calling and does his duty.” (Millennial Star, 28 Sept. 1905, p. 610.)

John the Baptist restored the Aaronic Priesthood with these words:

“Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins.” (D&C 13.)

You—our deacons, teachers, and priests—have been given sacred authority. May the angels minister unto you. May the power of the priesthood be upon you, our beloved young brethren, and upon your sons throughout the generations ahead. I bear witness that the gospel is true, that the priesthood holds great power, a guiding, protecting power for those who hold the Aaronic Priesthood. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll/Magazines/Ensign/1981.htm/ensign november 1981.htm/the aaronic priesthood.htm