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С 1838 года за церковью закрепилось официальное название ЦИХСПД.
А что известно по названию Церкви до этог промежутка?
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Церковь Иисуса Христа святых последних дней |
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Вы здесь » Церковь Иисуса Христа святых последних дней » Апологетика » Название Церкви 1830-1838
Вопрос для знатоков.
С 1838 года за церковью закрепилось официальное название ЦИХСПД.
А что известно по названию Церкви до этог промежутка?
Есть ли укого материалы по этомувопросу?
Буду рад статеечке или монографии.
What changes have been made in the name of the Church? Its full designation does not appear in the revelations until 1838. (D&C 115:4)
Richard Lloyd Anderson, “I Have a Question,” Ensign, Jan. 1979, 13
Richard Lloyd Anderson, professor of religion and history, Brigham Young University
A concise answer to this question is found by comparing the name of the Church on the title pages of the first three printings of the revelations: “The Church of Christ” (Book of Commandments, 1833), “The Church of the Latter Day Saints” (Doctrine and Covenants, 1835), and “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” (Doctrine and Covenants, 1844).
The Savior told the Nephites that his church should be called in his name. (See 3 Ne. 27:8.) As a result, the restored Church’s official title from 1830 to 1834 was “The Church of Christ.” That title is found in the revelation on the organization and government of the Church (D&C 20:1) and in early minute books. During this period, however, members of the Church regularly called themselves “saints”; the word saint is used approximately three dozen times in the D&C before 1834.
On 3 May 1834, official action modified the name of the Church. In a priesthood conference presided over by Joseph Smith, a motion passed “by unanimous voice” that the Church be known as “The Church of the Latter Day Saints.” (See The Evening and the Morning Star, May 1834, 2:160.) This alteration was not seen as a de-emphasis of Christ; on the contrary, it was done in hopes that the name of the Church would more clearly reflect the fact that Christ was at its head.
In the same issue of the Kirtland newspaper in which the announcement appeared, an editorial explained that the change stemmed from a misleading nickname: the “Mormonite” church. The new name also had these advantages: (1) Since American Christians, including Congregationalists and reformers, frequently designated themselves as “The Church of Christ,” that title did not distinguish the restored gospel from a host of Protestant sects. (2) Since Paul and Peter used the Greek word saint (“a holy person”) to refer to believers in Christ, the term Latter-day Saints implied that Church members were modern followers of Christ. Thus it also asserted the claim of restoration.
Just as the term saint flourished when the official name was “The Church of Christ,” the name of Christ regularly supplemented the official name of “The Church of the Latter Day Saints.” For example, in 1835, the church was referred to as “the church of Christ” and the Twelve apostles were commissioned as “special witnesses of the name of Christ.” (D&C 107:59, 23) The Saints certainly did not feel that the Church was leaving out the name of Christ.
Sometimes during this period the first and second titles would be combined—“the church of Christ of Latter Day saints”—as they were in priesthood minutes (Messenger and Advocate, Feb. 1836, 2:266) and in the publication of the first high council minutes (see headnote, D&C 5, 1835 edition).
A vivid illustration of the way members then understood the official name of the Church is found in a letter from John Smith, the Prophet’s uncle, to his son Elias before the latter was converted. Writing 19 Oct. 1834, Uncle John answers the question of why the name could be changed:
“The Church of Christ is the Church of Saints and always was. This is the reason why the apostle directed letters sometimes to the Church of God, others to the Church, and again to the Brethren, sometimes to the Saints, always meaning the Church of Christ.” (Archives, University of Utah)
Thus, the final version of the Church’s name was no radical shift from the previous practice of using both “Christ” and “Saints” in designating the restored Church and its members. Revealed on 26 April 1838 (D&C 115:4), the full title, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” is striking by comparison to the names of the scores of churches that obscure their Christianity under the label of their founders or of some characteristic belief or aspect of church organization. It is a highly effective name, for while it is distinctive, it indicates that Jesus is at its head. It is also descriptive of divine restoration. And it is more than a name—it is a public commitment to a holy life through the Savior’s power.
Если вкратце:
1830-1834 называлась «Церковь Христа»
3 мая 1834 на конференции церкви было принято решение переименовать на «Церковь Святых последних дней» (это было сделано, чтобы не было путаницы с многими другими церквями, которые назывались «Церковью Христа», при этом «Святой» имелось ввиду последователь Христа, т.о. – церковь последователей Христа в эти дни).
1835, 1836 в документах упомнается соединенное название «церковь Христа Святых последних дней».
1838 было установлено название «Церковь Иисуса Христа Святых последних дней».
в дополнение
The name of the church
[edit] Historical background
In the early 1800s, Alexander Campbell and others began to popularize the idea among Christians in the United States that the division among Christian sects had been caused by a Great Apostasy from the original teachings of Jesus, practiced by the primitive Christian church. Campbell and his associates founded the Restoration Movement, arguing that the true practices of Christianity could be achieved by restoring practices described in the New Testament. The Restorationists also intended to eliminate sectarianism, arguing that there should be only one Christian church and that it should be named, the "Church of Christ."
Some historians of religion categorize the Latter Day Saint movement as part of or an off-shoot of the larger Restoration movement, but there are significant differences. While early Latter Day Saints believed in the need to "restore" the "true church of Jesus Christ", they also believed that direct authority from God was essential for the restoration to be valid. Joseph Smith, Jr., the Latter Day Saint movement's founder, claimed to possess that authority as a Prophet who received revelations.
Smith's revelations authorized and commanded the organization of the Church of Christ in 1830, and in many of the revelations Smith claimed to receive, God referred to the church by that name. Smith taught that this church was a restoration of the primitive Christian church established by Jesus in the first century A.D. Moreover, Smith taught that this restoration occurred in the "Latter Days" of the world, i.e., the time immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus.
[edit] Early changes
The fact that the churches of other Christian Restorationists, including the Campbellites, were also named the "Church of Christ" caused a considerable degree of confusion in the first years of the Latter Day Saint movement. Because of the distinct belief in the Book of Mormon among Smith's followers, people outside the church began to refer them as "Mormonites" or "Mormons." Smith and other church elders considered the name "Mormon" derogatory.[2] In May 1834, the church adopted a resolution that the church would be known thereafter as The Church of the Latter Day Saints.[3] At various times the church was also referred to as The Church of Jesus Christ and The Church of God.[4]
In the late 1830s, Smith and those loyal to him founded a new headquarters in Far West, Missouri. At Far West in 1838, Smith announced a revelation renaming the organization the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.[5][6]
[edit] Later variations
Up to the time of Smith's assassination, the church was known alternatively as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. After Smith's death, competing Latter Day Saint denominations organized under the leadership of a number of successors. The largest of these, led by Brigham Young and now based in Salt Lake City, Utah, continued using Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints until incorporating in 1851, when the church standardized the spelling of its name as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.[7]
Followers of James J. Strang use the spelling of the public domain name, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as the name of their church.
The name Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was also used by members who recognized Smith's son, Joseph Smith III, as his father's successor. Smith III became prophet-president of this group on April 6, 1860. However, the church incorporated in 1872 as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,[8] to distinguish it from the larger Utah church, at the time in the midst of federal issues related to polygamy,[9] and more recently changed their name again to "Community of Christ" — consciously echoing the original "Church of Christ" name.
The Sidney Rigdon group dwindled until one of its elders, William Bickerton, reorganized in 1862 under the name The Church of Jesus Christ.
Other Latter Day Saint denominations returned to the original name or a variation of it, including the Church of Christ (Temple Lot), the Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite), and the now-extinct Church of Christ (Whitmerite).
Вы здесь » Церковь Иисуса Христа святых последних дней » Апологетика » Название Церкви 1830-1838